Today there is a vast amount of content,opinions and articles to read out there on the web, in regards to this campaign race. Majority that I have read are usually blogs, and personal responses to articles and forums. When trying to get a feel of how people are going to vote, or their political opinions I stay away from the right left news sites. The point of this would be to get a feel for average joe, and not the opinions of some hot shot journalist from a news network. So I set out to do just that.
Scouring various sites on a daily basis became a second job for me. I jotted down various responses, and entries from many different sources. While doing this. I stumbled upon a vast majority of extremely prejudice posts that changed my whole project. Now, before you think that I might be referring to posts like "McCain sucks and is old" Or Barack Obama sucks and has big ears" think again and read ahead. Yes, I am talking about the comments or entries that include racist undertones, or just blatant racists statements.
I will state that everyone has a right to free speech, and I will not attack that. What I want to ask is, would or do you honestly base your vote, your one chance to make a difference, on such a shallow determination? Do people really do this? Voting on what a candidate could do for us as a nation would be more important, am I wrong on this? Well, for some that's not the case. For those who read this, I just wanted to ask a question. Would you vote on the basis of color, if the candidate you were choosing went against every other belief that you have? This may not be the case for some, but for others it seems that it is.
This is pertained to all. May you be black,white,Hispanic or whatever. The fact of the matter is we are Americans, we have a duty to enlighten ourselves, and help guide the United States for the better wouldn't you say? After all, take a look around. We have much bigger problems on our plate than the color of someones skin.
This article was not written to tell you whom to vote for. Nor was it created to take away ones right to an opinion. Personally, I think both candidates have their good and bad.The sole reason for it, is that just maybe it will reach someone out there, that might think that our future as a country is more important than such simple and shallow prejudices.We all know this type of thing exists within our government, and its politicians. The possibility to make a difference is you, its that simple.