Saturday, August 30, 2008

The right Choice?

John McCain stuffed a foot in his mouth?That is what I thought when he made a baffling choice for his VP pick. Someone once said that "Barack Obama was too inexperienced for the White House".

After listening to the reports of his choice, I thought to myself. Why would someone throw shots using the lack of experience route? I mean come on. Would that not kind of throw any hope of him using that same method in the ladder? I personally don't think this method is going to pay off in the long run. Sure it might get a bit of hype now, but its also gaining lots of criticism.

I think that this choice was made with little thought and more desperation. I am not saying he is going to lose for sure. But this move probably hurt more than helped.

In my opinion, this choice was made for a few reasons. 1, is to scrape up whatever Clinton voters he can. 2, to create a sense of shock. 3, She held the position of Ethics Commissioner of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. 4, to bring a sense of youth along with him. 5 She is pretty strong ethically it seams. Now lets talk about these reasons a bit.

I don't think that electing a female for VP is going to seal the deal on the Clinton voters fully. It may help some but not enough. I think people will think of this as a desperate move, making it look like he has no other way to grab their attention. The shock affect is in my opinion a move to generate hype and media buzz hoping to inch forward in the polls and sway more people to fall in line. She held a solid position that requires a vast knowledge and an ethic regard to the oil industry. This is a solid reason to choose her due to our current crisis. She isn't that old, so that kind of brings the youth within the campaign which could help. She seems very anti government corruption so that's a strong point also. Even though that should come with any candidate. One bad note that I stumbled upon as of late, is that she is bringing baggage. Palin is being investigated on a choice she made of firing one of her employees wrongfully.

With all this being said. What we have is a mediocre choice at best. She is getting solid critics on her inexperience to her having 5 kids. We will have to see of course how this all turns out. In the end i think it will be a close race. But, i think that McCain kind of killed any hopes of thunder with his VP he could have had. Thats just the way I see it.

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