Monday, September 1, 2008

RNC and Gustov. Could McCain sieze the moment? Or could it hurt?

As the RNC approaches today, it was announced that it would be limited and or delayed due to the hell of a hurricane we know as Gustav.

First and foremost I would like to state, that there is nothing more important than the well being of Americas Citizens. It is my opinion that Gustav and the areas in threat should be handled above all. With that being said I'm going to talk about the well being of the RNC, and what effects Gustav might have on the Republican outcome.

As I read through the RNC updates in the news, I stumbled upon an announcement that stated, the first day of the RNC activities would be cut back drastically. I also read that key players would not be attending due to Gustav. A few on the list are, Republican Govs. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, Charlie Crist of Florida, Haley Barbour of Mississippi and Rick Perry of Texas -- whose states lie in the path of the Category 3 Gustav . This is what is supposed to be done. But will it effect the RNC and election outcome?

My thoughts on this are, Day one of the convention is in a sense a opening day kick off. There is a lot of hype surrounding the beginning. Delaying this would downplay the whole thing a bit. Although there are several days left and plenty of agenda to go, I believe that even 1 day of a huge event like this could have some backlash. Micheal Moore is quoted as jokingly saying"This Gustav is proof that there is a god in heaven". Maybe some people honestly believe that some kind of intervention was destined to happen to the RNC. Or will McCain and the Republican party seize the moment?

If you think the outcome couldn't possibly be different, think again. John McCain has taken action on Gustav almost immediately. Being able to make quick decisions on unforeseen or unpredictable events, could play out strongly in this whole scenario. We as Americans get to take a look at his new lead from the front theme. It also does them a huge favor in keeping President Bush away from St. Paul. Last but not least it could show McCain and his party are willing to sacrifice. In a sense all these could throw a small surge of voters towards the McCain and Palin campaign, resulting in stealing some of Barack Obamas thunder.

Well with that being said, we'll just have to see whats it store for the RNC, McCain and the people.I also am also sending Prayers out for the Americans that are in Gustav's wake. Hang in there and be safe!

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