Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Some late night RNC coverage

Agree that we Disagree? Huh?

This is going to be a short post, but I had to include this here.I was watching the RNC tonight and heard what President Bush said about Sen. McCain in regards to him disagreeing on topics and issues with him . Bush stated that he knows all about McCain and him disagreeing, how he said it kind of implied that they disagree often. Now, to my understanding, they agree 90% of the time. That wouldn't be a fact I would toss out there if I were bush or McCain, since most of the free world disagrees with President Bush 100% of the time. Am I wrong about this? are the facts spun? Or did Senator McCain beg Bush to say that? I have no clue, but I don't think it sounded right.

On the flip side, I thought the RNC tonight went well. The speeches that were given were sincere for the most part. The only exception was Laura Bush having trouble reading and or remember what the teleprompter said, when she was talking about her Husband. I loved the Reagan and McCain montages. I do respect and admire Sen McCain for his service, and I salute him as a fellow serviceman.

Like i always say, Either of the Candidates would be a good choice, it all depends what side you site on. I just like to write about content that I feel should be covered when I research throughout the day.

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