Monday, September 1, 2008

P. Diddy On John McCain, States he is “Buggin’ the F**k Out”

I was searching through political relevant videos as I always do in the morning,when suddenly i came across one that read"John McCain is Bugging The F*** Out" by Sean P Diddy Combs. now usually I wouldn't really take a look at such a video, but I though that maybe just maybe he would have some solid analysis. So i watched it and this is my take on it.

The video started off with Diddy criticizing John McCain VP pick of Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska.he kept repeating McCain is bugging the F*** out for the first few minutes. The content that followed this was, well how can i put it? I felt dumber for watching it . Diddy went on and on about nonsense for a bit. When the video came across the midway point, I was met with a true prize of all political opinions. Diddy stated "What is the reality in Alaska? There’s not even no crack heads in Alaska. There’s not even no black people? There’s not even like no…crime?

Now what would an average reader take from that statement? Is Diddy insisting that to have crime, crack, or reality the state must contain African Americans? Well Diddy I am not an African American but its truly sad when you make a statement like that. One that could effect the people that look up to you. Considering you are a big named celebrity, you should put a little more thought and merit in what you have to say before you go blabbing a slew of empty thoughts. Yes we are all entitled to our opinion, but when you put yours out there on video for people to watch, you should really use your celeb prowess to influence people with some kind of educated opinion.

These kind of posts from big named celebs in our country can have a significant impact on voters, especially young voters whom follow Diddy as a role model. What kind of content is he giving young voters to go off of? Let's all base our voting off whether crack,crime, and specific races are present where our leaders might come from. Let us tell everyone that might not have a mixed race community not to vote for Barack Obama. Now if I said that a lot of voters would probably say I am an idiot right?

I am not saying whom to vote for. I just think that the voters deserve some real reasons to vote either way. I will admit Diddy has done some good with the young voters in the past, and I do appreciate it. But instead of taking steps forward to influence and keep voters educated, he took ten steps back.

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