Thursday, September 18, 2008

Check out our new site

Me and me friend are launching a site, right now the blog service is up and the forums are up as well.

the main page will be published tomorrow

Join us!, contribute, help the site grow. we are also looking for moderators once we gain members.

Also if it works out, we will be hiring experts to cover research and cover certain topics.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Why is Sarah Palin afraid of the media?

Answering questions on the spot, tests your ability of quick sound judgment, and helps identify her positions on certain topics. So why does she repel herself away?
It has always been common, for candidates to answer questions at speech's, either from the audience or the media. Palin has shyed away from this, each and every time she is asked questions. This leads me to believe, that she might be nothing more than a pretty scripted face for the McCain campaign.

Before I get started, I will state that her qualifications are not whats lacking, but her ability to react under pressure just might be. Just think, why else would she refuse questions? Is she afraid that is she stems out from a written speech, that it might uncover that she really doesn't know as much as people think she does? Sure, it sounds all great up on stage, but we all know they have people write those speeches to tailor to voters in some sort.
Time and time again, she has questions throw at her, but she floats by like some prosecuted celebrity that don't want the media attention. It's time for her to step out of the cover that is the "Alaska Reformer" and into the limelight that is the " what can you really contribute to the entire U.S. Now, we all have seen many candidates put their foot in their mouth. Joe Biden for one. This could possibly be a huge reason for it, seeing as if she drops the ball, there might not be enough time to recover and or bandage it before Nov. McCain, could have asked her to sway away from the on the spot questions, in an effort to ride out her current hot streak across the United States. That still does not mean she should not field some questions. It is her job to answer to the public, not about personal life, but on her stance. Without doing so, one would think that basing her off of just speech's, and not that of the public interest would very much hurt her in the long run.
Written by-Political Junkie )source)

Monday, September 8, 2008

The ups and downs of political hype

Following the RNC, McCain has sprinted up in the standings. This of course is mostly due to the "Palin Effect". But can we almost call it a Springer Effect?

In the beginning it seemed as if Gov. Palin's baggage that she toted along with her leading up to the RNC, would hinder any movement for John McCains campaign. For a while it did, when the media jumped on the pregnant daughter issue, and "trooper gate". But that all faded away after her speech at the RNC for the most part. Now we have another issue. This statement was given at the RNC, "I have protected the taxpayers by vetoing wasteful spending … and championed reform to end the abuses of earmark spending by Congress. I told the Congress 'thanks but no thanks' for that Bridge to Nowhere." Could this knock the hype rocket right out of orbit?Maybe so...

As mayor of Wasilla, Palin hired a lobbyist and traveled to Washington annually to gain earmarks for the town totaling $27 million. In her two years as governor, Alaska has requested around $750 million in special federal spending, the largest per-ca pita request in the nation. Now this kind of tosses a big portion of what she said out the window, hence leading integrity in question. Also adding plenty of free bash artillery to hurl from the Obama campaign.

As for the future of the candidates and their standings, well we'll just have to stay tuned for whatever backlash ensues. Because we all know its coming. With that being said, I don't think we are able to get a correct reading on the status of each party until November.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

How long did John McCain really know who his VP was?

Was John McCain's VP pick a planned bombshell on the Democrats?

Thats what it seems like. When you think about all the criticism he received on everything from how short his vetting period was, to Sarah Palin's experience. Having read enough, and watched all the coverage daily on the issue, it all seems to be a master plan.
Why? Well just think. Let's let the Obama party jump on the bashing band wagon, thinking all along that they have a clear opportunity to crush McCain's decision making and His candidates profile. While weeks, to months before he was playing the political chess game, studying Palin in every regard.
The thought that this was the plan is clearly possible. So far, from what we have all seen, Palin has snatched the spotlight by storm. She is now the strong VP, a savior of sort for all the Hillary voters that begged Obama to pick her. Now just look, Good Ol John McCain, coming out of nowhere and giving a hockey mom from Alaska a shot at a huge venue.
It looks like it paid off. If MccAIN was banking on the Democrats taking his pic as a joke or lightly in anyway, well, he just broke it. Obama is a good candidate, but he better run and buy hillary some flowers and beg her to come back.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

RNC,McCain under qualified for President? Palin is?

According to speakers at the RNC, McCain is under qualified for the President. Sarah Palin is.

If you were watching the RNC tonight, then yes you read the above text right. Listening to some of the speakers before the one in question was extremely boring. It seemed as if the crowd didn’t know when to cheer or keep listening. When it came time for applause the speakers would sit there and wait for a quick and quiet false applause. Now they all weren't like that, Rudy really fired them up after a while. But, one speaker really gained my attention.
The RNC speaker from Hawaii stated that Barack Obama isn’t qualified to be president because he has no "executive experience". Now, think to yourself. Who else lacks in that job department? That’s right, John S. McCain. Sure he has the military command, but that’s not the same as a mayor, or governor, no matter if people think it’s on too small of a scale to count. I don’t know who sets those teleprompters up that half the speakers couldn’t read write off of regardless, but they should have proof read it a bit.
Other than that blunder I think the RNC went well. They had some solid speakers, with exception to some of then that didn’t seem to get the practice they needed. Sarah Palin did an excellent job. She is a tough candidate, its going to be hard for most people to make a choice.
Well, that sums it up for me. I just wanted to point a few things out.

Barack, and celebrity Prowess?

Barack Obama has been labeled more a celebrity than a solid candidate by people all over the media and Web.

In today's global media market, Barack Obama has become a star. He has been on the cover of plenty of magazines, that focus on other topics other than politics for the majority of the time. Magazines such as, Ebony, GQ, Vibe, Us, and Rolling stone. Is this the face of new politics? Or a path set by Obama for a new generation of future candidates? Being able to bring 200,000 fans to Germany might just back that label. But, could some say hes a celebrity to take away from his status as a candidate?

In fact yes, it could be perceived an attack of some sort. Calling him out as a celebrity in a sense, could mean that he is nothing more than a media magnet. This could be due to many things, such as looks,charisma, age,swagger, and just the all out presence he gives off when in front of the camera. There are many that believe he is on a wave of hype per say. Others believe people are voting for him because hes the new thing, or the hip thing to do. Well, this could be, but he could also just be well liked.

Sure all the hype talk, magazine covers and news coverage is present, but could this just be the future of politics expanding farther than your basic news coverage? This so called call celebrity prowess he has could do more good than bad. I mean reaching out in other venues attracts voters, that in any other circumstance wouldn't even pay attention. I don't think that's such a bad thing, do you? Being beloved by Americas people, doesn't mean your nothing more than a celebrity on a high wave in my opinion. I think it makes him a look even stronger of a candidate for being able to outreach so deep within the media.
Like i always say, I am not here to tell people whom to vote for. All and all both candidates have their good and bad. Figuring out who has more good, and carries a higher chance to succeed, well that's your choice.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Some late night RNC coverage

Agree that we Disagree? Huh?

This is going to be a short post, but I had to include this here.I was watching the RNC tonight and heard what President Bush said about Sen. McCain in regards to him disagreeing on topics and issues with him . Bush stated that he knows all about McCain and him disagreeing, how he said it kind of implied that they disagree often. Now, to my understanding, they agree 90% of the time. That wouldn't be a fact I would toss out there if I were bush or McCain, since most of the free world disagrees with President Bush 100% of the time. Am I wrong about this? are the facts spun? Or did Senator McCain beg Bush to say that? I have no clue, but I don't think it sounded right.

On the flip side, I thought the RNC tonight went well. The speeches that were given were sincere for the most part. The only exception was Laura Bush having trouble reading and or remember what the teleprompter said, when she was talking about her Husband. I loved the Reagan and McCain montages. I do respect and admire Sen McCain for his service, and I salute him as a fellow serviceman.

Like i always say, Either of the Candidates would be a good choice, it all depends what side you site on. I just like to write about content that I feel should be covered when I research throughout the day.

McCain,Palin and The Media

Family is off limits, but not when the media has nothing else to talk about.

You know there are a lot of qualities that I believe would make a good candidate, for Vice or for President. Some of them on my list include, selflessness, integrity,faith,leadership,passion, and the overall mindset to get this country back on track. What I don't include on my list, is the candidates children affairs, how many children she or he might have, or relatively small problems that we all have in our lives.

The media has gone way overboard on this matter. They are driving on the wrong side of the tracks when it comes to getting to know Gov. Sarah Palin. I have been reading all that I can on this matter, and I think the media is just plain ridiculous. Now i said it before i try to be unbias on here and talk about the good and bad in everyone. But if this is all the media can grasp a hold to for ratings, then I am very disappointed in there ability to cover stories that would be relevant in describing why said candidates would be a good choice.

Now let me state that I know Gov. Palin speaks strongly on family values, and that having a 17 year old pregnant daughter kind of sways it a little bit. But, can someone be with a child every moment of every day? Do i believe that she probably didn't condone this? Yes, she was probably mad. Since when does a parent or child making a mistake, impair the chance she has? I mean seriously if we were all perfect, then we could all run. I would love to know what these anchors and such have to hide. But i don't dig into it because it is not my damn business. That's right, not our business to know about ones child affairs.

I have read a few posts, and I reports from the public. Some of them state that we deserve to know about Bristol Palin. Well when she runs for Vice President then ask her. I believe these responses are out of the media created buzz and nothing more. The media creates stories that some of us thrive on. Its these nonsense stories that keep people going. Now i will say everyone has a right to an opinion, and i always take them into consideration, but when it comes to this side show of a report i just have to laugh at its sub par meaningless content.

Well i will some it up like i always do. People thinks really hard why or what makes you vote for someone. Think about all the imperfections we all have. I am not saying who to vote for, like i always state. I just wish that the media buzzards would reports on such well I don't have any other word right now... crap.

Monday, September 1, 2008

P. Diddy On John McCain, States he is “Buggin’ the F**k Out”

I was searching through political relevant videos as I always do in the morning,when suddenly i came across one that read"John McCain is Bugging The F*** Out" by Sean P Diddy Combs. now usually I wouldn't really take a look at such a video, but I though that maybe just maybe he would have some solid analysis. So i watched it and this is my take on it.

The video started off with Diddy criticizing John McCain VP pick of Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska.he kept repeating McCain is bugging the F*** out for the first few minutes. The content that followed this was, well how can i put it? I felt dumber for watching it . Diddy went on and on about nonsense for a bit. When the video came across the midway point, I was met with a true prize of all political opinions. Diddy stated "What is the reality in Alaska? There’s not even no crack heads in Alaska. There’s not even no black people? There’s not even like no…crime?

Now what would an average reader take from that statement? Is Diddy insisting that to have crime, crack, or reality the state must contain African Americans? Well Diddy I am not an African American but its truly sad when you make a statement like that. One that could effect the people that look up to you. Considering you are a big named celebrity, you should put a little more thought and merit in what you have to say before you go blabbing a slew of empty thoughts. Yes we are all entitled to our opinion, but when you put yours out there on video for people to watch, you should really use your celeb prowess to influence people with some kind of educated opinion.

These kind of posts from big named celebs in our country can have a significant impact on voters, especially young voters whom follow Diddy as a role model. What kind of content is he giving young voters to go off of? Let's all base our voting off whether crack,crime, and specific races are present where our leaders might come from. Let us tell everyone that might not have a mixed race community not to vote for Barack Obama. Now if I said that a lot of voters would probably say I am an idiot right?

I am not saying whom to vote for. I just think that the voters deserve some real reasons to vote either way. I will admit Diddy has done some good with the young voters in the past, and I do appreciate it. But instead of taking steps forward to influence and keep voters educated, he took ten steps back.

RNC and Gustov. Could McCain sieze the moment? Or could it hurt?

As the RNC approaches today, it was announced that it would be limited and or delayed due to the hell of a hurricane we know as Gustav.

First and foremost I would like to state, that there is nothing more important than the well being of Americas Citizens. It is my opinion that Gustav and the areas in threat should be handled above all. With that being said I'm going to talk about the well being of the RNC, and what effects Gustav might have on the Republican outcome.

As I read through the RNC updates in the news, I stumbled upon an announcement that stated, the first day of the RNC activities would be cut back drastically. I also read that key players would not be attending due to Gustav. A few on the list are, Republican Govs. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, Charlie Crist of Florida, Haley Barbour of Mississippi and Rick Perry of Texas -- whose states lie in the path of the Category 3 Gustav . This is what is supposed to be done. But will it effect the RNC and election outcome?

My thoughts on this are, Day one of the convention is in a sense a opening day kick off. There is a lot of hype surrounding the beginning. Delaying this would downplay the whole thing a bit. Although there are several days left and plenty of agenda to go, I believe that even 1 day of a huge event like this could have some backlash. Micheal Moore is quoted as jokingly saying"This Gustav is proof that there is a god in heaven". Maybe some people honestly believe that some kind of intervention was destined to happen to the RNC. Or will McCain and the Republican party seize the moment?

If you think the outcome couldn't possibly be different, think again. John McCain has taken action on Gustav almost immediately. Being able to make quick decisions on unforeseen or unpredictable events, could play out strongly in this whole scenario. We as Americans get to take a look at his new lead from the front theme. It also does them a huge favor in keeping President Bush away from St. Paul. Last but not least it could show McCain and his party are willing to sacrifice. In a sense all these could throw a small surge of voters towards the McCain and Palin campaign, resulting in stealing some of Barack Obamas thunder.

Well with that being said, we'll just have to see whats it store for the RNC, McCain and the people.I also am also sending Prayers out for the Americans that are in Gustav's wake. Hang in there and be safe!