Sunday, September 7, 2008

How long did John McCain really know who his VP was?

Was John McCain's VP pick a planned bombshell on the Democrats?

Thats what it seems like. When you think about all the criticism he received on everything from how short his vetting period was, to Sarah Palin's experience. Having read enough, and watched all the coverage daily on the issue, it all seems to be a master plan.
Why? Well just think. Let's let the Obama party jump on the bashing band wagon, thinking all along that they have a clear opportunity to crush McCain's decision making and His candidates profile. While weeks, to months before he was playing the political chess game, studying Palin in every regard.
The thought that this was the plan is clearly possible. So far, from what we have all seen, Palin has snatched the spotlight by storm. She is now the strong VP, a savior of sort for all the Hillary voters that begged Obama to pick her. Now just look, Good Ol John McCain, coming out of nowhere and giving a hockey mom from Alaska a shot at a huge venue.
It looks like it paid off. If MccAIN was banking on the Democrats taking his pic as a joke or lightly in anyway, well, he just broke it. Obama is a good candidate, but he better run and buy hillary some flowers and beg her to come back.

1 comment:

The Edge said...

I agree that McCain was quietly going through the process of vetting Palin for at least 3 weeks. It actually looks like a brilliant strategy that has the Obama campaign back on their heels.
Keeping Huckleby, Pawlenty and Romney close by had the dems diverted from his real choice. It sure has made the election much more interesting.