Tuesday, September 2, 2008

McCain,Palin and The Media

Family is off limits, but not when the media has nothing else to talk about.

You know there are a lot of qualities that I believe would make a good candidate, for Vice or for President. Some of them on my list include, selflessness, integrity,faith,leadership,passion, and the overall mindset to get this country back on track. What I don't include on my list, is the candidates children affairs, how many children she or he might have, or relatively small problems that we all have in our lives.

The media has gone way overboard on this matter. They are driving on the wrong side of the tracks when it comes to getting to know Gov. Sarah Palin. I have been reading all that I can on this matter, and I think the media is just plain ridiculous. Now i said it before i try to be unbias on here and talk about the good and bad in everyone. But if this is all the media can grasp a hold to for ratings, then I am very disappointed in there ability to cover stories that would be relevant in describing why said candidates would be a good choice.

Now let me state that I know Gov. Palin speaks strongly on family values, and that having a 17 year old pregnant daughter kind of sways it a little bit. But, can someone be with a child every moment of every day? Do i believe that she probably didn't condone this? Yes, she was probably mad. Since when does a parent or child making a mistake, impair the chance she has? I mean seriously if we were all perfect, then we could all run. I would love to know what these anchors and such have to hide. But i don't dig into it because it is not my damn business. That's right, not our business to know about ones child affairs.

I have read a few posts, and I reports from the public. Some of them state that we deserve to know about Bristol Palin. Well when she runs for Vice President then ask her. I believe these responses are out of the media created buzz and nothing more. The media creates stories that some of us thrive on. Its these nonsense stories that keep people going. Now i will say everyone has a right to an opinion, and i always take them into consideration, but when it comes to this side show of a report i just have to laugh at its sub par meaningless content.

Well i will some it up like i always do. People thinks really hard why or what makes you vote for someone. Think about all the imperfections we all have. I am not saying who to vote for, like i always state. I just wish that the media buzzards would reports on such well I don't have any other word right now... crap.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

In most cases I would say the family is off limits. However if conservative Republicans want their family matters to remain private, they should stop trying to legislate on the private decisions of others. By this I mean supporting abstinence only education rather than teaching kids to make their own choices, abortion rights, and the Terri Schiavo case to name a few. Ms. Palin doesn't believe in abortion so she wants to deny my daughter that right should she become pregnant. I don't believe in a 17-year-old girl getting married and raising a baby, but I wouldn't presume to support a law against it. Furthermore, conservatives like Ms. Palin would have you believe that single mothers are the root of all evil in our society. Well, guess how they end up single mothers. The same way her daughter did, only their parents don't have the clout to force the unwilling father into marriage.