Wednesday, September 3, 2008

RNC,McCain under qualified for President? Palin is?

According to speakers at the RNC, McCain is under qualified for the President. Sarah Palin is.

If you were watching the RNC tonight, then yes you read the above text right. Listening to some of the speakers before the one in question was extremely boring. It seemed as if the crowd didn’t know when to cheer or keep listening. When it came time for applause the speakers would sit there and wait for a quick and quiet false applause. Now they all weren't like that, Rudy really fired them up after a while. But, one speaker really gained my attention.
The RNC speaker from Hawaii stated that Barack Obama isn’t qualified to be president because he has no "executive experience". Now, think to yourself. Who else lacks in that job department? That’s right, John S. McCain. Sure he has the military command, but that’s not the same as a mayor, or governor, no matter if people think it’s on too small of a scale to count. I don’t know who sets those teleprompters up that half the speakers couldn’t read write off of regardless, but they should have proof read it a bit.
Other than that blunder I think the RNC went well. They had some solid speakers, with exception to some of then that didn’t seem to get the practice they needed. Sarah Palin did an excellent job. She is a tough candidate, its going to be hard for most people to make a choice.
Well, that sums it up for me. I just wanted to point a few things out.


The Edge said...

I'm glad to see that you are keeping an open mind. Commanding the largest fighter squadron in the navy requires the one thing none of the candidates possess, the responsibility of sending troops into battle. As you know, battlefield decisions cannot be made via conference call and focus groups. If I had to share a foxhole, I'd feel pretty good with McCain watching my 6. I wouldn't mind it if Palin was there as well.

usmcguy said...

yeah, McCain's command rank is very respected. I figured i would use the whole "executive" theme. I salute John McCain! and all of the candidates